iOS Android
Mac OS X
Windows Web


Simple and intuitive interface

The basic weather parameters are displayed all in the same interface: air temperature, pressure, relative humidity and general weather outlook.

Manual marker to follow the pressure changes

DigiStation works like the good old wall weather station: you set the marker for pressure and it will remember this setting even after restarting your Mac.

Unlimited number of instances

No tricks, no hidden limits: you can add as many instances of the widget as you wish.

Timely updates

The data is updated regularly, and hourly data updates are provided on the best effort.

Global coverage

Search your favourite location in the list of +4500 available stations, updated regularly.


Feedback and Support

Contact - we really appreciate your feedback!

Digitair Servicii Informatice S.R.L., Bucharest, Romania (DigitAIR)
E-mail: digistation[at]digitair[dot]ro

Romanian National Meteorological Institute